Thursday, October 1, 2015

My Goals in Learning Japanese

My goals in learning Japanese go as follow:

  • Speaking: Speak faster than now, and sounds like a native speaker at the end of this semester; Be accurate at the pitch and intonation of words and sentences.  
  • Listening: Try to understand daily dialogues in normal speed, and get the information I want even though I cannot understand all of the conversation.
  • Writing: Be able to write short and simple passages about myself, my family, and diary, etc.
In order to achieve these goals, I plan to

  • go to Shibata sensee's office hour when I have any problems with my pronunciation (3 times this semester?).
  • watch Japanese anime for 10 minutes a day,and at least 3 days per week. 
  • watch one NHK documentary per week.
That's all that came into my mind right now. Maybe I will add more in the future.



  1. こにちは! 卜ランです。どうぞよろしく!
    Your goals sound solid! By the way, do you have any idea what Japanese anime you want to watch?

    1. Perhaps ドラえもん first, cause I like it very much when I was a small boy :)

  2. こんばんは。私はキムです。どうぞよろしく。Watching NHK seems to be a great idea. Good luck with reaching your goal!

    1. Thanks! NHK produces plenty excellent documentaries, especially though on silk road.

  3. こんにちわ、Minhaoさん!Your goals look pretty good. You are such a great speaker in our class, so I know you will be able to achieve you goals! ^^

    じゃ、また!See you in class today!

    1. I meant to write Chaiさん。すみません!

    2. That's OK, both Zhai and Chai are fine, cause they are just different spelling according to different transcript system.

  4. はじめまして。ロックウッドです。どうぞよろしく!These seem like excellent goals, and I'm sure you'll be able to achieve them. Best of luck throughout this semester, and I'm sure you'll reap all the benefits that JPN101 has to offer for improving your speaking, listening, and writing skills!

  5. Hello! My name is Moe. I send you comment in 自己紹介. I want you to reply me.

    Have you ever been to Japan? What do you like in Japan?
    あなたは にほんに きたことが ありますか? あなたは にほんの なにが すきですか?

    1. Sorry for my late reply. I have just replied you under my 自己紹介. I have never been to Japan before, but I plan to go to Japan in 2016. I like Japan very much, and I think I will visit Tokyo, Kyoto, and Ishikawa.

    2. Thank you for your replying. I live in Osaka now, so I can visit Kyoto easier because Osaka and Kyoto are very close. I recommend various temples in Kyoto. It's very famous and beautiful. It's worth visiting Kyoto!

    3. Yes, I always wish to visit Kyoto. Also, I have several friends who are studying in Kyoto University.

  6. 哈哈!找到你了! はじめましてーーじゃないけど、よろしく!


    1. Haha... Maybe you should not use はじめまして to me...
